Thursday, November 28, 2019
Negative Effects of the Internet
Introduction Today it is eminent that the role of computers has a huge impact on every person. Computerization has taken over the majority of the societal roles and has dramatically improved lives. The battle with technology is dynamic and a continuous process expected to bring about new challenges each day.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Negative Effects of the Internet specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This primary influence comes from the internet usage that seems to be very vibrant particularly among the youth due to the stable and anticipated creativity. The society is dependent on technology today and having computers in the workplace, homes, and mobility enable effectiveness and efficiency. Todayââ¬â¢s technology has advanced to a point where there is massive support of security intelligence. The internet, therefore, enables resourceful communication and sharing of any form of information whether it is useful or abusive. Thesis Statement ââ¬Å"The internet technology is affecting an individualââ¬â¢s life in a negative way.â⬠This paper examines the real situational effects of internet technology on users and forms an analysis of how the internet can cause depression. The analysis also focuses on the intellectual behavior of people regarding effects and other cyber-related crimes. Literature Review Effects of Internet usage on the brain and behavioral development One prominent impact of internet technology is the creation of a democratic media. The broadcast is international and free. According to McDonnell (p.1) the highly recognized sites that allow a personal view makes the aspect of internet publishing easy and accessible to the majority without the need for technical knowledge. Internet tools in the majority of the search engines such as Google promote democratic media and form a basis for other macro-media such as weblogs, videocasts, wikis and podcasts. The universa l knowledge behind these tools is to enhance knowledge transmission by allowing direct and literal subscription and automatic collection of text, audio or visual data. Internet is thus a good source of peer pressure, particularly among the youth. Through internet usage, people are putting up with negative information and giving up personal trust and values, and such pressure becomes a form of a negative force. In most cases, it would be invariable to have a link between the development of the brain and the behaviors. The Internet provides high emotional or intense influences, thus leading to a poor decision such as crime related activities.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The brain of a teenager is under some less optimal control mechanisms and thus under higher probability to act from guts or instincts in submitting to internet posting that relates to criminal activities, espec ially when confronted with stressful, depressing or emotional strains. Internet users are hastier, insistent, emotionally volatile, high-risk takers, proactive and reactive to strain or stress and are thus at risk of peer influences (McDonnell, p.1). They focus on the short time payoffs, underrate any long-term consequences, and are therefore prone to looking for an alternative course of actions such as cyber crimes. Psychological Effects of Internet on Young People Young people are often curious; therefore, their time on the internet is the time of experimenting and seeking newness. The adolescent brain may be more vulnerable to social discomforts due to internet addiction. These social effects can bring about potential social experiences, such as contributing to the feeling of less shyness, more interaction, ability to hack othersââ¬â¢ information and discover more from the internet. Some of the unrestricted information on the internet also causes negative behaviors. Phonograph ic material causes negative anxiety and inability to make decisions makes them feel the need to explore their sexuality and deal with different emotions concern with uncertain and impulsive activities since human beings have to make decisions based on the challenge at hand. There are many different reasons why people use the internet, probably to relax, have fun, find rest, forget problems, and mostly to meet friends. The youth mainly engage in internet activities because they easily find their styles. They suffer from external or internal anxieties while trying to be like others. Internet usage is fine as long as it serves the role of determining the right character in a person. The social interaction on the internet is arguably one of the reasons why American teenagers mimic the same lifestyles and have similar talking style. People in a group network act differently and do some weird activities they would probably not do on their own. This is the identity of a group as opposed to that of an individual. The control placed on these behaviors can easily crumple before the achievement of a valued need. One of the huge challenges of internet usage among children and teenagers is increased maturity and changes in the lifestyle that easily leads to criminal activities or conflicts. If not controlled, internet usage leads to addiction or continual usage thus a trend that causes solitary usage and depression. In most instances, when solitary use occurs, then the addict has more significant future problems related to chronic addiction and isolation from the rest or even communication problems that may lead to mental-related complications (Kelland, p.1).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Negative Effects of the Internet specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More If not controlled, internet usage leads to addiction. This form of usage thus causes friendlessness and depression. In most instances, when solitary occurs, then the internet addict has more significant future problems related to other kinds of chronic addictions and communication problems that may lead to mental-related complications. According to Glor, (p.1), addictive surfing can have a severe impact on mental health, ââ¬Å"internet addictsâ⬠spent proportionately more time browsing sexually satisfying websites, online gaming sites, and online communities. They replace real-life social interaction with online chat rooms and social networking sites and this in time is replacing normal social function, which might have a link to psychological disorders like depression and addiction. Cyberbullying is also becoming a common trend where we find rude comments and insulting words that one would never use in person. The police explorations of whether cyber intimidation was the root cause of teenage suicide in the New York town of West Islip, is a clear indication of how internet addiction is contributing to depression. That Soc cer star Alexis Pilkington, 17, took her own life on March 21, 2010, following social disturbances from social networking sites (Glor, p.1). Analysis of Internet addiction as a psychological illness According to Citizen (p.1), when someone is, using the internet, it is possible to suffer from several illnesses or addicted. The illness or condition depends on what you are doing and how long you will be online. When used to cyber cafe visits to read e-mail, one is tempted to take more time to excessive gaming, chatting and text messaging. This can lead to brain illness because people often neglect essential livelihood requirement such as sleep or food due to internet addiction, they suffering but consciously assume it is a healthy lifestyle. This chronic illness can smoothly go unnoticed unless a therapist intercedes (Citizen, p.1). The most affected people are those who are educated but socially shy. In line with Citizen (p.1), they are mostly the middle age women. They use computers as an escape route from reality. A computer does affect peopleââ¬â¢s lives and cause emotional upsets to the person who wants to be pre-occupied online for a long time. Effects of Internet on Lifestyles ââ¬Å"The Chinese government launched a national wide campaign after a survey found that 14 percent of their teens are vulnerable to becoming addicted to the internetâ⬠(Eunjung Cha, p.1). According to the government, they are trying to stamp out what the communist youth league calls ââ¬Å"a grave social problemâ⬠(Eunjung Cha, p.1).Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The state policies focus more on eliminating cybercrime, which seem to ruin lives for instance cases where causes of assassination have a connection to mimicked characters in online entertainments. The internet is equally forming a sequence of suicide-related cases and poor studies, especially among the youth. Depression and suicidal thoughts are higher among the students deemed ââ¬Å"internet-addictsâ⬠(Eunjung Cha, p.1). According to self-report questionnaires, gender is not a differential factor. Internet addiction was likely to affect males, as well as females and cause children-major depression disorder. Eunjung Cha, (p.1) indicated that users are becoming addicted to the internet similarly that individuals become addicted to drugs or alcohol. This internet addiction finally leads to academic, social and occupational impairments. According to Eunjung Cha, (p.1), individuals on chat rooms may use tactics, such as peer pressure to arouse feelings and thus course them to com mit suicide. Effects of internet on schools Today, digital technology has become completely part of the youthââ¬â¢s life. It has fully incorporated all the social characteristics in their lives. Many students pick up new styles of learning, communicating with new people and formulating creativity. The behaviors are like permanent fixtures into their reasoning styles and operating procedures. It is common to find a situation where children use knowledge-gathering techniques that appear alien to adults, mainly their parents and teachers. In relation to Lane (p.1), such advancements have severe impacts on the education platform. People have established ways of harnessing the technological aspects into career settings for decades but failed to implement security and ways of limiting information access. There is some resistance on usage, but implementation is a good indication that educators appreciate the effectiveness and importance of technology. According to McDonnell (p.1), the e ducation sector is the most affected by internet usage; students can gather techniques of hacking networks and finding illegal ways of accessing information. This is arguably the reason why institutions are also not enthusiastic enough to embrace full technological platforms such as digital networks and incorporation of social networks to education systems. They focus on security matters due to potential threats posed by social network technologies. Conclusion Current social settings can give the impression that internet usage is under control, but a closer look at the phenomenon indicates that every day a person starts to use and subsequently becomes addicted to the negative aspects available in the net. Possibly the pressure to resist deception is tremendous and persistent unless there is an intervention, especially by the authorities such as parents when the person involved, is a minor. Sometimes failure to control internet access is due to the current social setting for instance ; most of the parents are full-time employees probably looking for the overtime and better remuneration in support of the family. They may be trying to work out one area while the other collapses. The biggest problem in the majority of the minds lies on the reason why people especially the youth are misusing the internet. The most likely answer is within the family setting. They emulate their parents who are their closest role models. They embrace the social settings and meet friends who deceive them into engaging in social mischiefs such as pornography, online gambling, and information-hacking activities. They may also suffer from solitary use due to stress. Whichever the case, parents are the most effective cure to the vice. It is the parental responsibility to face the problem and talk out with the teenagers on the dangers involved before things are out of hand. Works Cited Citizen, Ottawa. ââ¬Å"Recognize Internet addiction as a mental illness, MD urges that compulsive e-mailin g and text messaging could soon become classified as an official brain illness.â⬠Canada: CanWest MediaWorks Publications Inc .2008. Web. Eunjung Cha, Ariana. ââ¬Å"In China, Stern Treatment For Young Internet ââ¬ËAddictsââ¬â¢.â⬠Washington, WA: The Washington Post Foreign Service. 2007. Web. Glor, Jeff. ââ¬Å"Cyberbullying Continued After Teenââ¬â¢s Death.â⬠New York, NY: CBS Interactive Inc. March 29, 2010. Web. Kelland, Kate. ââ¬Å"Study links excessive Internet use to depression.â⬠London, UK: Lane, Reuters Inc. Feb 3, 2010. Web. Lane, Christopher. ââ¬Å"Side Effects From quirky to serious, trends in psychology and psychiatry.â⬠New York, NY: Sussex Publishers, LLC. 2009. Web. McDonnell, Dean. ââ¬Å"How does the internet affect the way we mentally behave?â⬠Hubpages Inc. (n.d.) Web. This essay on Negative Effects of the Internet was written and submitted by user Kassidy Bowen to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Beowulf vs. the Knight in Canterburry Tales essays
Beowulf vs. the Knight in Canterburry Tales essays Heroes have amazing qualities that make them extraordinary people. Many types of heroes live in the world: men, women, children, or even next-door neighbors. Both Beowulf and the Knight act heroically, each in their own way. Heroes usually have an abundance of strength, and act as great warriors. They risk their lives for a cause. For example, a general of an army is a strong warrior and a hero, because he does anything for his men. The firefighters on September 11th acted like heroes. They climbed the stairs of the tower though they knew they probably wouldnt come down, because they understood that their job required them to help people. Heroes, like the ones just mentioned, do not always benefit from what they do. Heroes usually have ethics and honesty, with a high moral conviction. They tend to obey a higher law. For example, William Wallace, the man who died helping the Scottish fight the British, had a strong faith in G-d and admirable ethics. Believing in G-d helps a hero, because he realizes his weaknesses, so he might as well help society. The hero says to himself G-d put me on this planet to live His way, and I am nothing compared to Him, so I should help other people. Heroes often do not quite fit into normal society. This helps them perceive wrong. They do not live normal lives. They usually always work for a cause. They live alone, and sacrifice a social life for what they believe in. Often when a great peril threatens society, the hero takes a vital role. It may involve a trial from which the hero must emerge on a higher level. For example, Harry Potter often faces a problem, which, while trying to solve, makes him into a better person. Heroes should also have confidence. A hero should possess bravery and courage, but it may damage him to have too much confidece. Arrogance could hurt a warrior, because he may think he could win a battle when he should really back off. This shows why he...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Five themes of art and identifying and describing two examples of Research Paper
Five themes of art and identifying and describing two examples of works (from different centuries or cultures) - Research Paper Example i. Art of daily life Art and craft remains among the major practices carried by different cultures since time in memorial. Art is expressed through the objects, images and architecture created for daily use. According to Rauschenberg (1925 p. 51), these objects (material things) have meanings further outside the practical functions. A perfect example is the art of basketry which is perceived to be of great importance by the Pomo Indians. According to their legend, a Pomo ancestor stole the sun from gods in order to give light to dark earth; he used the basket to cover the sun high up. The Pomo basket depicts the universe which they used to move knowledge to human beings from gods in the beginning of the world. Another example is the Islamic art of the tile used in decoration of architectural surfaces. Though used by different cultures in the world, it particularly features the Islamic art. Tiles are mostly used to decorate the surfaces of a mosque, homes, schools, palaces and others. The tiles were therefore used to illustrate the interior design of a 19th century Iranian mosque. Different cultures can depict the art of life from different objects in which they use for everyday life. ii. Sacred realm Different people holding on different cultures have turned the universe into a sacred place of spirits. They communicate with spirits and develop faith that the spirits have answers to questions like the origin of the world, the beginning of life, the purpose of life and others. Through these beliefs, they have created different arts to enable them to develop the realism that allow them to communicate with the spirits. Different cultural believes have different images and objects for this purpose, they include the different cultural believes which are; Christians, Islamic, Indus and others Rauschenberg (1925 p.53) Architectural works have been created with different shapes and designs to portray the setting of a place that can be used to conduct the rituals of pray ers and worship. A good example is the Great Mosque which is an Islamic place of worship in Cordoba, Spain. The interior hall used for prayers has immense horizontal space with a regular rhythm of virtual forest of arches. The light goes in by the doorways placed on perimeter of the hall, filtered through the many columns which create shadows that make the interior design grasp the worshippers. The alternation of the red and white colors into sections creates a distinction in the arch forms while the hanging oil lamp at the centre of worship creates more shadows. Another example that depicts realism in the Christian believes is the model of Mary mother of Christ sited calmly on the throne holding the gesture who is the child Christ on her hand. She is surrounded by angels to quest believers of paradise and in great serenely posture of a virgin symbolizing holiness. iii. Politics and social order Most important systems that human beings hold on are the societies. Most of the early so cieties believed that the order in the universe is directly related to the earthly order, for example in Egypt Pharaoh who was the king was seen as a link between God the earth. He was seen as a small god and a ruler whose job was to maintain order on earth. When he died, people believed that he joined the gods; they prepared many tombs for him a sign of honor. Most known are the three pyramids, which up to date still serve as inspiring structures. Its weight and extend is tremendous that reflect the power of Pharaohs to command immense forces, it also
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