Monday, February 24, 2020

Thompson v Oklahoma 1988 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Thompson v Oklahoma 1988 - Essay Example Even advocates of death penalty can hold that executing minors is wrong and undeserved. Most juvenile offenders have a history of bad and abusive childhoods and have not had the chance to make peace with their experiences or lead normal lives. They also do not have a sufficient understanding of death as minors tend to think of themselves as invincible. Therefore, a threat of capital punishment would not really deter juveniles from committing crimes. The government should instead focus on instigating changes is the society so that neighborhoods would turn up less violent individuals instead of imposing the most extreme punishment. Then there's the concept of justice and retribution to justify execution for juveniles. Minors do not fully understand the repercussions and seriousness of their acts, so they do not deserve this. The age, level of maturity, and childhood history should be taken into consideration when deciding a person's punishment. Those who argue the opposite strike me as too unsympathetic. Proponents for using capital punishment for minors maintain that even juveniles are capable of understanding the consequences of their actions and should therefore be held accountable for it.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Data Interpretation Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Data Interpretation Exercise - Essay Example Patients AP and JC have impaired glucose tolerance since the glucose level during fasting is above 6.1mmol/l while during the 2 hour OGTT it ranges from 7.0 to 11.1 mol/l. Finally, patient JL has both impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes since the glucose level before OGTT test are above 7.8mmol/L and the glucose level is above 11.1mol/l during the test. The major symptoms for diabetes mellitus are increased thirst and urine volume, tiredness and fatigue, high levels of glycosuria, unexplained weight gain, blurred vision and recurrent infections (Nathan, 1993; Elliott and Meyer, 2007).The major complications associated with diabetes mellitus are diabetic neuropathy (affecting peripheral nerves, motor and sensory nerves), diabetic nephrophathy, vascular complications and retinopathy (Nathan, 1993). Other long term complications are a predilection towards specific infections such as monilial skin disease and rhonocerebral mycomycosis, cognitive impairment and periarticular thickenin g of skin causing reduced mobility (Wheat, 1980). 3. What is diabetic ketoacidosis? How and why may it arise in diabetic patients? How may it be effectively treated? Diabetic ketoacidosis is a health condition which occurs mainly in patients with Type 1 diabetes. It occurs due to accumulation of ketones in the blood making it acidic. It is common in type 1 diabetic patients whose pancreas is unable to produce insulin hormone which is needed in glucose utilization. As a result, glucose accumulates in blood stream to levels that are greater than 22mmol/l. Because glucose is not available for cells, fats are broken down to generate energy thus releasing ketones which accumulate in blood making it acidic. Accumulation of ketones affects levels of sugar, body electrolytes and enzymes that control metabolic processes. Diabetic ketoacidosis may also occur under condition such as urinary infections, during stressful conditions or trauma and when insufficient insulin is administered. The sym ptoms for this condition are rapid weight loss, abdominal pain mostly in children, nausea, dehydration due to frequent urination, vomiting, high blood pressure, presence of ketones in urine and depleted levels of Na and Ka as these electrolytes are lost together with urine. Mild conditions are treated by supplying fluid supplements and injecting of insulin every 3 hours until ketones disappear from urine. On the other hand, moderate to severe cases are treated through patient hospitalization and supplying fluids and electrolytes. The electrolytes should also be checked frequently until they are balanced. The patient should also be monitored